Legal Advice
Croes_Consultants is your partner for independent and comprehensible for over 20 years. If you need help in solving legal affairs, we might be the partner you're looking for. We like practical solutions.
Although we like to help you to get rid of all your legal problems, the emphasis of our legal activities is in the ICT related field. In the center of our legal field of interest, you will find
ICT law, legal entity related law / corporate law, privacy and intellectual property-related matters such as trademark law, domain law and trade law.
Besides aforementioned specialisms, we can offer you the following general legal services:
Croes Consultants has extensive experience in designing, customizing, assessing and monitoring agreements. You can contact us for diverse legal matters such as (international) cooperation agreements, general (delivery) terms and conditions, privacy matters, preparing e.g. objects clauses in
notarial deeds, distribution and agency agreements, contracts for professional services, Memorandums of Understanding (MoU's), Letters of Intent (LoI's) and rent/lease contracts.
We like to create situations which are most interesting for all parties involved. The best solution possible (also) for your opponent, will create possibilities for the future, which might be useful at that time. We, as third party, can make offers they can't refuse, but they wouldn't discuss if these were made by you.
You are able to manufacture high quality products, but you need support to make them profitable. For this you need a solid and practical legal base. We like to face these challenges and will create you correct solutions.
You want the best position possible. Let us do the talking. We have got a lot of experience in negotiation. We can provide you not only short term, but also structural solutions. Indeed, we are familiar with the fact they need different ways of handling.
Besides pure legal advice, we can offer you advice with regard to related organisational and ICT technological matters. More information is avialable via the link
ICT advice.